Do you want to make a Romhack of EarthBound? You're in luck! Since the early 2000s, programming enthusiasts in the community have gathered together to play around with EarthBound's game engine, creating custom music and dialogue, making translations for languages like Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese, and inventing whole new stories and cutscenes! With CoilSnake, the hacking tool the community uses and works on together, anyone can experiment with the game like this— Nothing is impossible, the only limiting factors being free time and imagination!
In the early days, the original program created for hacking EarthBound, in YEAR, was called PK Hack. "PK Hack" stuck as the name of our community as well, while the program was replaced by JHack in 2003. Both of these programs had a major flaw, however: since they edited ROMs directly, data would get corrupted, and it would be impossible to fix. In 2012, the program Coilsnake was created, which used a new approach of decompiling all of EarthBound assets and scripts to a "project", which hackers could edit however they wished, and simply recompile when they wanted to try it out. As of 2025, Coilsnake remains the premier hacking program, and gets constant updates!
So with that said, PLEASE do not use the programs called PK Hack or JHack. Only Coilsnake!